? FENCHURCH Barrister & Solicitors - Official Website: fenchurch-law.com
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FENCHURCH Barrister & Solicitors was formed in order  to provide the corporate market with reliable professional legal and  recovery support services. In an increasingly competitive Business World, legal Practitioners with  a  dual qualification will  be able to offer a more comprehensive Service to Clients.  

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We provide a complete service comprising

of corporate advisory services and

Corporate Finance to help businesses of all

sizes develop and grow, whether

organically or through mergers and

acquisitions. We are able to facilitate such

transactions from end to end.

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Debt recovery solutions that will put your

money back in your hands. Often just  a  

letter   on  your  behalf will collect  your

outstanding debts.  We will take  your  

instructions each  step  of  the way, as we  understand that sometimes, you   may still  want to trade with  the debtor once  they have paid their outstanding account.

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In today’s increasingly competitive and regulated

world disputes have become a fact of business life.

Recession has aggravated this for the simple

reason that economic pressures lead to the

breakdown of business relationships:

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P.O.Box 75518, Adeola Odeku, Victoria Island, Lagos.


You can contact us by post, telephone, fax or email. Alternatively, you can visit our website. You will be pleasantly surprised by the level of service we afford  our clients worldwide.

B06, Eleganza Plaza,

Lekki-Epe Exp. Way, Lagos

        : +234-1-2954281, 01-2954282

        :  +234 7045931923,07045931924

        : info@fenchurch-law.com

        : www.fenchurch-law.com

“Prejudices, it is well known, are most difficult to eradicate from the heart whose soil has never been loosened or fertilized by education; they grow there, firm as weeds among rocks.”

Charlotte Bronte

(1816-1855) Novelist

        : +234-1-2954281, 01-2954282

        :  +234 7045931923,07045931924

        :  info@fenchurch-law.com

       : www.fenchurch-law.com

Corporate and Commercial Financial & Credit Management Immigration Property Law Disputes Resolutions Debt Recovery Company Formation Oil & Gas

In the fiercely competitive and volatile market

Place, a sound and efficient financial & credit risk

management is a business necessity on the road

to success. Nowadays, checking customer's

background information, reliability & credibility is

an essential business practice.

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